Friday, September 2, 2011

The longest day.

Last day in Prague. Such a sad phrase. So much more to do and see in the city. Today we wanted to check out an icon of cubist architecture and also hit the museum of midevil torture before catching the train to Vienna (Wein). Of course both were opposite directions from our hotel! Cubist building out of the way we hit the museum which was at the base of one side of the Charles bridge. While quite interesting I was most impressed with the view of the square and churches from the open windows on the second and third floors! We had a few options to get to the train station. 1st was the car service that picked us up at the airport = 600. 2nd was our hotel's fine Audi for 450. 3rd was the official cab of Praha, AAA yellow with an amazing 150... Conveniently our hotel forgot to call for our cab and so when it was time to leave there was no AAA but their fine Audi was right there! This pissed us off and we'd read it was the one thing that has put other visitors off f an otherwise wonderful hotel. No one likes a bait and switch. Anyway, given our now time crunch we seemed to be in a pinch but they didn't know just how badly we needed to get moving so I used that to our advantage and got their 450 down to 200 and we road out of Prague in style...until we caught the stink train! Our 4+ hours on the train can be described in BG & AG. Before the Girls and After the Girls. Our train and compartment was pleasant enough and "before the girls" got on we shared it with two nice enough Czech guys, father an son, who teamed of BO. I mean bad. But it was hot out and we have encountered it before and know it's not in their culture to wear deodorant so whatev. It is whatbit is... We were so thankful when they got off about an hour later and were replaced by "the girls". Two pleasant early 20 something's who were quiet and had zero offensive qualities. The perfect train companions. Unfortunately we only had then for an hour and "after the girls" we got the foulist smelling drunk in all of Europe! Of course he sits right next to Heather! Those that don't know, Heather has a super-human nose and I think it's psychic sometimes in that she can smell the future and the past in addition to everything else within 50 feet! So she was in hell. I kid you not, I went to the dining car to get us sandwiches and when I returned I could smell the stench 30 feet away as I approached our cabin! Apparently while I was away he'd pulled out a water bottle full of beer and a bottle of booze and started pulling sips off both and knocking into Heather after which he apparently cussed her out a bit in Czech to which a young guy who knew what was up said somethng to the old guy that quieted him up. Needless to say at this point we decided we missed the girls... Thankfully he only lasted about an hour too and our final hour was with one gentleman who chose to stand outside the room watching the landscape go by... He probably thought we reeked and didn't want to sit too close! Vienna is a great city but totally different on many levels from Prague. I'll go into greater detail but it's like comparing a thrilling rated R movie to a really good PG....

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